Asthenia therapy: Time-proven efficiency


Frolova V.I.

RUDN University, Moscow
Abstract. Asthenia often occurs both among people who are not going to the doctor, and patients from general medical network and psychiatric institutions. Asthenic symptoms are observed at all stages of the course of coronavirus infection, as well as in the structure of long-lasting post-Covid syndrome. One of the well-proven antiasthenic remedies today is sulbutiamine (Enerion). Peculiarities of chemical structure and mechanisms of action allow it to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and influence the central components of pathogenesis of asthenia having various origins in different age groups of patients. Antiasthenic effect of the drug occurs quickly, is characterized by procognitive, anti-anxiety, vegetostabilizing effects and is not accompanied by hyperstimulation, excessive sedation, or other significant adverse effects. Currently, Enerion could be considered as an optimal antiasthenic remedy in a wide range of patients.


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About the Autors

Veronika I. Frolova, MD, PhD (Medicine), associate professor of the Department of psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic pathology of the Faculty of continuous medical education, RUDN University. Address: 117198, Moscow, 6 Miklukho-Maklaya St.

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